You just select a category or more, choose a time inverval, and start to watch your beautiful wallpapers!
Once schedule, our app will change your wallpaper with a random one picked from thousands of images.
You can choose to refresh your wallpaper every week, day, hour, or every 15 minutes!
Select categories you like: dog, cat, car, food... There are 30+ categories available, and you can suggest new ones.
Choose when you want your mobile wallpaper to be refreshed. From several months to 15 minutes, each time you'll get the perfect wallpaper.
Create new wallpapers categories with your own photos! Then you can use them like any other category.
Absolutely not! We care about our users privacy, so we won't download or share any picture from your phone.
Once your are a premium user, you unlock all the categories. Also, you can set a time interval from 15 minutes to several months.
There are no plans at this time to make an iOS version due to technical reasons.
When you like a wallpaper, we add it to your favorite category, a special wallpaper category linked to your account with only the wallpapers you liked.
Available for Android devices only.
*Works on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) and above.